

North America Education Institute
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Training and Development for the Hospitality Industry
Training and Development for the Hospitality Industry
原價格US$:102 會員價格US$:0

Every hospitality organization needs well-trained employees. Guests expect it, and employees are now choosing employers based on the training and professional development they offer. This text explains how to be an excellent trainer who understands the role training plays in the organization, how to design it, and how to deliver it.

Readers will learn:

  • Why training is vitally important to a property’s success
  • How to use a variety of assessment methods to determine training needs
  • Instructional design techniques and processes
  • What mentoring is—and isn’t

Authors: Debra F. Cannon, Ph.D., CHE, Georgia State University and
Catherine M. Gustafson, Ph.D., CCM, CHE, University of South Carolina
ISBN 978-86612-224-5
